Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Color A Day - January Compilation

When I started my little Color A Day project, I planned to churn out one color every day for 365 days.  It was, I thought, a good plan.  How difficult could it be to keep up with one little color posting each day?  Right?

Well, it’s been one month so far. A month with 31 days in it, and I’ve completed only 28 Color A Day posts. (The Horror! The Guilt!)  OK, so I’ve missed a few days.  Frankly, it’s been more of a challenge than I thought it would be to manage a color post every single day.   And I feel badly (GUILTY!),  about not keeping up my promise to create a color every day.  However, I’m going to pull up my big-girl panties….I’m not going to beat myself up about it, in spite of my neurotic impulses to feel guilty about it.  I mean, are the “post-every-day” police going to come after me?  Not likely.

So, I’m refining my personal blogging directive as I head into month number two of Color A Day.  Although every attempt will be made to create a daily post, if I don’t hit the mark…I’m going to say that’s OK.  Screw the Guilt.  And at the end I might not have 365 popsicle sticks…maybe I’ll only have 300.  That’s still a stinkin’ big pile of sticks.  Right?
Furthermore,  since today is the first of the month, coupled with the fact that I am exhausted, and plumb out of inspiration…(hey, Plum!  maybe tomorrow’s color…),  I’m instituting a new element to my project: on the first of each month I’ll post a photo of the pile of sticks from the previous month.  Color post complete.  Guilt assuaged!

Here it is:  Color A Day – January Compilation

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